My Journey to Santiago de Compostela Part XXXIII
On a nice Monday morning, I went first to a nice buffet breakfast at the hotel then on our way to collect the Certificate for walking the Camino Frances from Saint Jean Pied de Port to Santiago de Compostela. Here we are displaying our Certificate in front of the Cathedral.
Then, it was time to leave and walk to Fisterra. The scenery was gorgeous, particularly a town called Ponte Maceira, to which we had to climb about 300 meters then descend towards the Tambre River where a medieval bridge crossed the pristine water. This village is one of the most beautiful of Spain and only 96 souls live there.
We continued towards Negreira and reached hotel Millan around 5:40 pm. We met Bernardo Cuello Negro at the hotel and enjoyed beers and a nice meal before hitting the sack.